The Copenhagen Wheel Is Bikings Next Big Invention

Copenhagen, Denmark is on point when it comes to biking, so it’s no surprise to see MIT’s Senseable City Lab unveil their Copenhagen Wheel at the Copenhagen Conference.

We can only assume that the wheel is based off the GreenWheel, but instead of using the biker’s pedal power to collect a charge they’ve opted for a regenerative braking system, which collects and stores power in the hub’s internal battery and then later uses it to power the motor and propel the rider along.  But unlike the GreenWheel the Copenhagen Wheel only kicks in when the system senses that the rider is struggling to create enough pedal power and keep the bike moving.

Oh, but it don’t stop there.  The Copenhagen Wheel also incorporates Bluetooth and transmits the rider’s data to a handle bar mounted cell phone, an iPhone in this case.  There distance, pace and other pertinent info is collected which can be shared with fellow riders, similar to Garmin’s devices.


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