Aperion Frequence has fitting released aggregation nigh its new Internal Oftenness Union, nicknamed HAL. It comprises of a wireless device that can movement any oftenness change from a machine, iPod, MP3 participant or frequence group. Plain close the 'send' ability into the device with your tunes on and then infix the greet ability into any AV acquirer. The group links automatically so not setup is required and no Wi-Fi is required as HAL uses a 2.4GHz jewellery. Aperion Frequency is intellection to present new subwoofers to its limit but the HAL can be linked to any powered subwoofer in the meantime. The Aperion Place Frequency statement testament be gettable to get in past Jan but you can pre-order now if necessary. The HAL group is $149 and further obtain units can be purchased for $70 each.
Aperion Home Audio Link
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