Palm Pre Plus Review for Verizon Wireless

Palm had teemingness to lively up to at CES 2010, having through a reasonable job of rejuvenating their line the previous twelvemonth with the attack commencement of the Palm Pre. This term around they bound out a many incremental update, the Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Advantageous, both bicephalous to Verizon Wireless' mesh. We've had the previous on the SlashGear run organization; ascertain out our drill after the cut. Palm's changes to the Pre in creating the Pre Advantageous allow doubling the onboard storage to 16GB and RAM, removing the steering fasten in the confection of the gesture country below the demo, and modifying the keyboard and turtle in both perception believe and layout. In squabby, it answers any criticisms - justified at move, 8GB seemed low for a smartphone - but leaves others unaddressed; there's still no storage carte receptacle, for instance. Palm Pre Plus Review for Verizon Wireless


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